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Our Projects

Versatility and Experience

Boab Commercial Marine offers a large range of marine vessels available for hire. These boats serve a multitude of purposes catering to diverse industries and projects.

In the realm of construction, we play a vital role in the development of critical infrastructure such as bridges, dams, offshore windmills, jetties and wharves, using our specialised watercraft to support these projects.

We also play an instrumental role in environmental surveys including marine mammal studies, hydrographic surveys and bathymetric surveys, aiding in scientific research and conservation efforts. Our commitment to marine conservation is further evidenced through various government contracts involving shark tagging and tracking.

The defence sector benefits from our support during military exercises, showcasing the adaptability and reliability of our fleet.

Our contributions extend to the entertainment industry where our boats are utilised for TV shows and movies, highlighting the versatility and widespread application of our vessels.

Our boats are available with (wet hire) or without (dry hire) skippers and/or other experienced crew. We specialise in smaller boats that can be rapidly mobilised.


Operating primarily on the East Coast but spanning across Australia, Boab Commercial Marine continues to provide indispensable marine solutions across multiple sectors.

Snowy Hydro Project

On-water transport was determined to be the safest and most environmentally sound method for machinery & site equipment to be delivered to a remote section of the Snowy Hydro 2.0 project. 

Nowra Bridge Project

Nowra's new four-lane bridge has been a high-priority construction project for NSW Transport. Our modular barges were used to provide working platforms for contractors, engineers and inspectors to complete their various work scopes.

Cotter Dam Project

We were engaged to remove, repair and reinstall the existing log boom at Canberra Dam. The log boom itself is over 500m long with large galvanized panels, tensioned by cables, suspended under the flotation booms to prevent floating logs from damaging critical infrastructure.   

Three River Hydrographic Survey

Our combined skills of off-road vehicles, work vessels and skilled coxswains were all tested on this project.  Multiple sites required 4WD only access down steep riverbanks, followed by tricky navigation in murky waters with multiple hazards in the water. 

Tantangara Tunnel Project

To improve the safety of employees involved in the Snowy Hydro 2.0 project, We were engaged to install an all-seasons, all water level floating jetty solution.  

Interested? Lets get in touch!

We understand every project and its specific requirements are unique. We have the ability to customise vessels for each job, as well as provide highly-experienced skippers and other personnel for safe project management.