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Terms & Conditions

Boab Commercial Marine – Terms and Conditions

In these Terms and Conditions, "we", "us", "our", " Boab Commercial Marine " and "Group" refers to Boab Commercial Marine. The Group includes Boab Commercial Marine and its related bodies corporate.

Your access to and use of all information on this website, including any downloadable content and/or that emailed to you in communication from us, is subject to the following Terms and Conditions.

We reserve the right to amend this notice at any time and your use of this website following any amendments will represent your agreement to be bound by these Terms and Conditions as amended. We therefore recommend each time you access this website you read these Terms and Conditions.


By accessing this website, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Group from any and all claims, actions, damages, costs and expenses including legal fees arising from or in connection with your use of this website.


The Group accepts no liability for any loss whatsoever including consequential loss suffered by you arising from services and/or products we have supplied. This includes the information on this website and any downloadable content and/or that emailed to you in communication from us.

To the full extent permitted by law, our liability for breach of an implied warranty or condition is limited to the supply of the goods and/or services again or payment of the costs of having those goods and/or services supplied again.

Nothing in these Terms and Conditions is to be interpreted as excluding, restricting or modifying or having the effect of excluding, restricting or modifying the application of any State or Federal legislation applicable to the sale of Goods or supply of Services which cannot be excluded, restricted or modified.

Intellectual Property

The copyright to all content on this website including text, images, graphics, layouts and downloadable content belongs to the Group and/or we have a licence to use those materials.

All trademarks, brands and logos generally identified either with the symbols "TM" or "®" which are used on this website are either owned by us or we have a licence to use them. Your access to our website does not licence you to use those marks in any commercial way without prior written permission from the Group.

Any comment, feedback, idea or suggestion (“Comments”) which you provide to us through this website becomes our property. If in future we use your Comments in any way, we will not be liable for any similarities which may appear from such use. Furthermore, you agree the Group is entitled to use your Comments for any commercial or non-commercial purpose without compensation to you or to any other person who has transmitted your Comments.

If you provide us with Comments, you acknowledge that you are responsible for the content of such material including its legality, originality and copyright.


While we have taken all due care in providing the information on our website, the Group does not provide any warranty either express or implied, including without limitation, warranties of title or implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. To the extent permitted by law, any condition or warranty which would otherwise be implied is excluded.

The Group takes all due care in ensuring this website is free of any virus, worm and/or malware, however, it is not responsible for any damage to your device or system which may arise in connection with your use of our website or any linked website.

From time to time, we may host third-party content on our website such as advertisements and endorsements belonging to other businesses. Responsibility for the content of such material rests with the owners of that material and we are not responsible for any errors or omissions in such material.

Third-party relationships

This website may, from time to time, host third-party content such as advertisements and endorsements belonging to other businesses and/or contain hyperlinks to other websites. Such links are provided for convenience only and we take no responsibility for the content, maintenance of, or privacy compliance by any linked website.

Any hyperlink on our website to another website does not imply our endorsement, support, or sponsorship of the operator of that website nor of the information and/or products/services they provide.


Our compliance with Australian privacy law is set out in our Privacy Policy.